A Fairy Tale Christmas
On this shortest and darkest day of the year, we wish you everything your heart desires … and relief from any curses you may have
On this shortest and darkest day of the year, we wish you everything your heart desires … and relief from any curses you may have
All Hallows Eve, on October 31st, is when summer ends and the dark months begin. The boundary between the worlds of the living and the
I was asked by Lost Marble, the makers of Moho animation software, to create a webinar about animating bitmaps using two of my favourite softwares
A short animation of a fly flying around a golden poo. It started as a mesh rigging experiment in Moho Animation Software and turned out
Happy Greenpeace Day! https://mochoydesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/PeaceBoatFrom-YT.mp4 For too many years @squeakypics and I endured the looks of pity from supermarket cashiers as we packed groceries into our
Thanks to my webinar, and to some extent COVID, I had the opportunity to work remotely for Cartoon Saloon as part of their Moho rigged